Monday, January 2, 2012

{In a year.}

I read Karen Russell's blog religiously. She is amazing. She blogs about her blended family, photography tips, parenting joys and struggles, fun adventures, parties, the good times and the bad. Currently, she is blogging about raising her family as a single mom while her husband is deployed.

She has inspired me for about 5 years now (and I have never even met her!)

Today she blogged an amazing post about running a triathlon with her sister and best friend... again the good AND the bad...

She posted a philosophy that someone had told her years ago when she was struggling...

Time is inevitably going to pass and one year from today, you can find yourself in the exact same spot you're in now, you can find yourself further away from your goal or you can find yourself closer to your goal - so where do you want to be a year from now?

Stop me in my tracks.

On December 31, 2011, i definitely found myself further away from my goal than i was on January 1, 2011.

Not this year!

Thanks Karen for your always insightful, and inspiring words.


Sunday, January 1, 2012


new year.

I have never been as read for a new year as I am for 2012. I cant express my thoughts in words.
2011 was not a bad year. I strongly believe that we live each day to its fullest potential and it will be the way it is meant to be. I was blessed, made many friends celebrated the birth of my precious godson, Mason. Many friends celebrated changes in their lives. Marriages, babies, new jobs.

All the while, I felt like I was coasting along. No big changes happened for me in 2011. I did not fulfill any resolutions. I feel like it as a wash in a sense.

2012 will be different. I have hopes and dreams for my photography business and myself.
Things I have wanted to do for years will be accomplished.
Glimpses into will be seen on this blog.

I am excited.
I am inspired.

Most importantly.... I BELIEVE.

However, since I am a southern gal... black eyed peas are a cooking!
They're evidently good luck in the new year.
I am not taking any chances!

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.”
-Douglas Pagels
